New Year, New Resolutions

2017. Wow. I simply cannot believe that the new year is here. If you’re like most, you’ve probably done some degree of “planning” for this year. You’ve resolved to lose weight, be kinder, be more organized. Or maybe you haven’t even thought about resolutions because well, you haven’t stuck to them in the past. I’ll be honest, I have made one resolution that I believe will help me achieve all of my goals and more this year. I'd love to share it with you. Are you ready?

I resolve to rest more.

“Rest, wait are you kidding?”

Nope and here’s why.

I believe that it's no coincidence that 2017 begins on a Sunday. This is the day most of us consider to be the Sabbath, a mandated day of rest. We must make rest a priority this year. Resting for our health, for creation and innovation, and resting in His presence to receive Divine Wisdom.

"Behold I am doing a new thing, do you not perceive it?" (Is. 43:19)

What if this new thing, is to rest more and seek His presence? My hope, is that as we come and seek His presence in the resting, we’ll find new strategies for business, fresh creativity in the arts, and even finding our identity in Him. When we receive these things from resting with him, we are able to then give in greater measure our time and resources to the Kingdom of God.

As you make your 2017 plans, I ask that today, you rest in the Lord. Seek His presence and ask: "Jesus, what are you doing this year? How can I partner with the Kingdom of Heaven to release your love on earth in this season?" Resolve to rest this season and in this rest we will see an even greater measure of Jesus released on earth.

Evan Umberger