A Father's Heart

What a joy to be a part of something so wonderful.  An eternal transformation that will continue to expand, and endure outside the limits of time for the good of all that is in the heart of Daddy God. The invitation for you to join your heart to His is always open for you!

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Anita Crim
Your Valentine from Jesus

“Sure as the vine grows ‘round the stump, you’re my darlin’ sugar lump.”


These were the words that my mother wrote to me every Valentine’s Day of her life and mine. Not only do they still resonate deeply in my heart, but, they have, also, increased in substance and value since her death.

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Latimer Bowen
The Grateful Game

Not only does my attitude change, but the very atmosphere of my life begins to shift. It seems almost magical watching things change as I simply breathe out thanksgiving. 

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Laura Jacobs
Idols of the Heart

But the truth is, an idol is anything we give our hearts to with the expectation of receiving life in return. Notice the word “anything.” An idol can be anything we turn to for life.

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Shane Bowen
Aggressive Faith Advancing

"We have to be more aggressive with our faith!  We have to wake up, move from our place of comfort and make it a new thing to be comfortable in what you would normally say is uncomfortable."

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Anita Crim