A Hint of Hope
Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Photo by Shane Bowen
A recent conversation with a dear friend dying of cancer quickly led my heart to anger.
I felt it deep within me in the form of the question, “why”? Why is this happening? Why is it happening to her?
You see, I hate cancer. I have lost friends to cancer. I lost my father to cancer.
As I grappled with my anger, I sensed Jesus offering a hint of hope. That phrase, “a hint of hope”, is one He gave me during a recent season of loss. He began to whisper it softly to me during prayer. It is an interesting phrase. You see, as humans we desperately crave hope. It is written into the DNA of our being. Even when all seems lost we have a hint of hope. That deep desire for more life.
After all, we are image bearers of the Father. He is love and love is the core essence of hope. We thrive with it. We lose heart without it. And the mere hint of it can lead us home.
I recently heard someone say that the question is not what we do with suffering, but the deeper question is what do we do with beauty? Suffering is all around us. We see it when we turn on the news. We see it in the lives of friends and family members. We sense it in our own lives.
But beauty. What do we do with beauty? Does beauty not offer hope? Beauty, whether it be found in the symphony of the colors in a West Texas sunset, or in the laughter of a child, is an offer we must grapple with. A stunning offer of hope and more life. And in light of beauty, my heart has hope for my dear friend dying of cancer. Not necessarily in avoiding the consequences of that terrible disease, but in bringing my heart back to hope. I hope because I know Jesus is good. In Him is life and His life is the light of hope.
As I press into beauty, I find hope. As I press into suffering, I find hope.
Hope is inextinguishable.
In what are you finding hope these days?